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Monday, March 12, 2012

Yellowstone: world's first national park

Watch the video; what information do the following numbers give you about the Yellowstone?

  • · 2 million
  • · 1872
  • · 22 miles
  • · 20 miles
  • · 17
  • · 4000
  • · 3 million
  • · 4 miles
  • · 640 000
  • · 70
  • · 1995

Analyzing video: Imagine that you are a tour guide. Write a paragraph telling the tourists about the Yellowstone Park and its attractions.

Your responses (meaning of the numbers + 1 paragraph)send to my e-mail: ottamay@gmail.com or kuzea20@rambler.ru
For sending the task not on due date, you'll get a lower grade. (-1 point)

*Extra task: in written form in your copy-books

Which group?

Ant, auk, bat, butterfly, chameleon, eel, frog, goby, mussel, octopus, owl, puffin, salamander, scorpion, shark, snake, spider, squirrel, tick, toad, turtle, wasp, whale – each of these animals belong to one of the group listed. First, write a definition of each group word. Then put each animal into each correct group. You may use a dictionary.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. who did this? now everyone will be able to see the answers ;-) you should have done it individually in your copy-book

  3. pictures from YEllowstone excursion can be found here: https://plus.google.com/photos/100941385483714167208/albums/5527339934464449489?banner=pwa
